
Why do clothes people wear today look a lot different compared to

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Why did European dress become dominant all across the Earth? - Quora

How do the clothes we wear affect us? - Quora

How different are the clothes you wear now from those you wore 50 years ago? - Quora

Why was everyone so well dressed in the past? - Quora

Why did men dress more formally in the early 1900s? - Quora

Is it just my imagination, or are the clothes people wear now not so much different from what we/they wore twenty years ago; is fashion slowing down? - Quora

Clothing: What will clothes look like in future? - Quora

How did people in “olden times” (1930s, 40s, etc.) afford to always dress so well? - Quora

Why does most of the world wear the same/similar style of clothing? Why didn't traditional clothing evolve but remain revalent in different parts of the world? - Quora