
🆚What is the difference between Spill the tea and Spill the beans ? Spill the tea vs Spill the beans ?

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Synonym for Spill the tea "Spill the beans" - more common, means "tell me what you've been hiding/tell me the secret" "Spill the tea" - more meme-y, means "Tell me the latest gossip"|spill the tea = literal, de té y derrimar. I spilled the tea because the pot was too heavy. spill the beans = metafórica, 'divulgar', repetir un secreto, o sea, decir algo que no se habría dicho. I tried to give her a surprise party but her Mom spilled the beans.|@Raquelve Yes, you’re right, both are the same. But I’ve actually never heard of “spilled the tea” before, so maybe that’s an old or outdated expression. I would not say “spill the tea”. Just say “spill the beans”!
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Is there any semantic difference between 'spill the beans' and

🆚【spill the tea】 と 【spill the beans 】 はどう違いますか

SPILL the TEA vs. SPILL the BEANS #idioms #advancedenglish #shorts

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