
Rare blue galaxy may shed new light on Big Bang - The Economic Times

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The 'cores' of massive galaxies had already formed 1.5 billion

Astronomers Detect Extremely Powerful Cosmic Ray of Mysterious Origin

Star Duo Forms 'Fingerprint' in Space, NASA's Webb Finds - NASA

Neil deGrasse Tyson says James Webb Space Telescope is window to

How Strong Is Dark Energy? Intriguing Findings from New Supernova

The Milky Way Might Never Become An Elliptical Galaxy - Big Think

The most distant rotating galaxy hails from 13.3 billion years ago

Rare blue diamonds reveal secrets from hundreds of miles below the

A Rare Phenomenon of Extremely Flattest Explosion Ever Noted in Space

Picture of the Week

NASA starts 'new chapter in astronomy' with image of a galaxy that