
What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Supermarine Spitfire compared to other WWII fighters like the Bf109 or Fw-190? - Quora

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Why was Spitfire so special? - Quora

What were the advantages of Spitfires compared to other countries' major fighter planes other than maneuverability? - Quora

What was Germany's main starfighter in World War II? What were its advantages and disadvantages over other planes at that time, such as the Spitfire or P-51? - Quora

How did German pilots view British Spitfire fighters during World War II? - Quora

What were spitfires and hurricanes? - Quora

What were the advantages of the Bf109 over other planes like the FW190 and Me262? - Quora

What are the differences between the Spitfire and the Bf-109 in terms of engine power? - Quora

What are the advantages and disadvantages of clipped wing Spitfires? - Quora

What was the reason for the Bf109 having a shorter range compared to the Spitfire? - Quora

Which plane was cheaper, better armoured and used in more roles, the Spitfire or the Focke-Wulf? - Quora