
The 7 Best Yoga Rugs Of 2023: A Sustainable Yoga Mat Alternative

$ 13.99 · 4.7 (499) · In stock

Although most people in the Western world begin their yoga practice these days by investing in a yoga mat, a traditional yoga rug can be a beatific, sustainable alternative to a regular yoga mat. Most

The 7 Best Yoga Rugs Of 2023: A Sustainable Yoga Mat Alternative

Satya: Aligning With Your Truth & Embracing Authenticity

The 7 Best Yoga Rugs Of 2023: A Sustainable Yoga Mat Alternative

Satya: Aligning With Your Truth & Embracing Authenticity


Amber Sayer

Satya: Aligning With Your Truth & Embracing Authenticity

Satya: Aligning With Your Truth & Embracing Authenticity

Yoga Gear

Yoga Gear

Yoga Gear

Yoga Gear

Satya: Aligning With Your Truth & Embracing Authenticity

Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)